The Mental Health and Addiction Breakthrough
Marc Isaacson
Rebekah Kelley: Welcome to the Humanized podcast, all about personalizing your health, I’m your host, Rebekah Kelley. And today our topic will be The Mental Health and Addiction Breakthrough with Marc Isaacson. Before I introduce Marc, I want to remind everyone to subscribe and get all the other variety of casts and audio, video and transcription, at I’d also like to thank our lead sponsor, Village Green Apothecary, at
A little bit about Marc. Marc Isaacson is on the cutting edges of the humanized health revolution. He’s been the driving force between the success of Village Green Apothecary, a total health solution combining pharmacy, compounding, an expert staff, and a comprehensive selection of professional natural supplements and body care. His passion has been behind Humanized Health, with its unique focus on personalized healthcare, and frankly, the person who’s had the dream and vision of the Humanized Health podcast. So we’re so happy to have you with us, Marc.
Marc Isaacson: Oh, great to be on.
Rebekah Kelley: Welcome. So Marc, mental health issues and addiction are on the rise. So talk to us about what the scope of the problem is.
Marc Isaacson: Oh, absolutely. So, hey, first off, totally – I don’t do it too often, but I’m super happy to be on, and the info that we’re going to talk about today, this is why I really want to come on the show, it’s like incredibly transformational information, that it just dawned on me, that we’ve been doing this kind of work for like approaching two decades, and yet nobody, almost nobody, even knows this cool stuff I’m going to share today even exists.
So, 102 million. So, what I’d like to do is just say to everybody, keep that 102 million in your brain for just a second. Yeah? And then what I’m going to do is, let me roll through the kind of main couple takeaways I want to make sure that everybody understands here.
So, first key takeaway is Biochemical imbalances. We’re going to talk a lot about this. It’s a huge, huge, huge, issue and people don’t even know how big of an issue it is.
Takeaway number two is this whole thing that we talk about all the time and why we’ve created Humanized– that everybody is one of a kind and we got to really shift the thought of healthcare, and what we’re going to do to change healthcare, to this individualized, personalized approach.
Number three is, especially with the brain, but really all biochemistry. We talk about this all the time. You have to test, you want to do precision. You want to get results. You want to accelerate, right? You got to test.
Takeaway number four is this big game changer that this is the huge part of the “Aha,” and what it is, is something called precision nutrient therapy.
And takeaway number five is– you’ll understand in a couple of minutes how transformational, super-impactful, positive the results are by going through this whole approach.
So, what I’d like to do is just kick off and take care of point number one, which is biochemical imbalances and give a little quick clarity on how big of an issue this is, and clarity on both mental health and addictions.
So, there’s a slide deck. So for those of you, there’s going to be some folks that might be listening via podcast audio only. So I would encourage you if you get a chance, to go and find the actual video version, because there’s some really cool slides that’ll help drive home the point. But otherwise I’m going to share so everyone’s clear on what I’m explaining.
So first of all, this is the U.S.. Ten percent of the population in the U. S., approximately, has only mental health disorders. There’s another 10 percent of the population which has addiction disorders segmented. The really interesting thing here also is that there’s a whole other segment, another 10 percent of the population, actually have both addiction disorders and mental health.
So that’s total right there, 30 percent of the population. I think it’s very important that people also understand when I’m talking about addiction disorders and this 30 percent of the population, that is chemical addiction. So I’m talking the big stuff that’s in the news. Fentanyl, all the drugs, alcohol, it can be smoking. So, it does not – this 30 percent of the population which is huge – that does not include all the behavioral and social addictions, which can be anything from gaming to gambling to Internet to shopping to food, you know, could be, you know, obsession with TV, but all these escape routes that people have. So if you remove the social behavioral, that’s the 30 percent of the population are impacted by either one of these things, and that– it represents today, 102 million people in the U. S. That’s got nothing to do with all the people throughout the world, but 102 million people and that in the U. S. we have a 341 million population.
So, part of this, understanding how big this biochemical imbalance issue is, it is huge. I’m going to give you the numbers in a second, overall percentage wise, how many of these people that suffer from addictions and mental health, a cross over, you know, and have some sort of biochemical imbalance. But, we’re going to talk about in a moment, the next big takeaway, which is going to be all about the testing. Or set up to the testing. But the critical thing is, it’s almost like, you can understand what’s going on in your brain. You get the full comprehensive, it’s almost two for the price of one. Because by doing the testing and the approach that I’m going to talk about a little bit more in depth here in a moment, is that the testing and the approach and the understanding and both things like what’s called methylation, which really relates to neurotransmitters, like things like dopamine that people might have heard of dopamine somewhere along the way. But this is all the areas where your brain can get imbalanced. But it’s the same, you got the same issues for either the substance, behavioral addictions, or mental health.
So they’re all combined and it’s one approach that gives you clarity on where your brain is out of balance and where the biochemical imbalances are out of whack, and then what the approach is to doing– and it’s super critical, because the entire healthcare system, the core healthcare system we look at today, diagnoses you, you get psychologists, psychiatrists, you get talk therapy, you get support, you get a 10-step process, a 12-step process, and you might get drugs, but at the end of the day, what’s really– it’s hard to believe actually, we are not even looking at correcting these biochemical imbalances today and the biochemical imbalances are rampant. So that’s part of, uh, that’s takeaway number one.
Takeaway number two is this thing that we talk about all the time when we’re talking about personalization of health and what Village Green Apothecary and what we’re doing in the Humanized realm, is we are so one-of-a-kind. And this is what the primary healthcare system misses for all of us, and we’re in this cool place and I’ve talked about a number of times, where we’ve got the convergence of all the data, and we can actually focus and deliver very targeted design just for you.
Things like foods and nutrients and lifestyle action state. So the things that make us one of a kind– so again, I have a slide up here I’m going to talk through it. Is there’s three unique things that nobody in the world shares with you. You’re number one, what’s called epigenetics. That’s all the external factors, all the lifestyle factors, all the foods we eat, all the body care and skincare, cosmetics, anything we’re putting on our body. You know, it’s food packaging that delivers toxins to our body. It could be prescription drugs. It could be the air, the water, that we’re consuming, you know, alcoholic beverage consumption, stress, lack of stress, more stress, lack of exercise, more exercise, all of these things. These would be what we call epigenetics are all these things that we really control a ton of that. And those, all of those things, nobody in the world has the same external factors.
I mean, if you think about where you live, geography wise, what types of food you’re eating, and they could be farmed in all kinds of different places, but nobody has the same epigenetics, and therefore, when you put all that external things into your biochemistry. Your biochemistry is totally changing and your biochemistry. Same thing out of 8 billion people in the world, there’s no biochemistry– nobody has biochemistry like you. And people normally know genetics, that’s the 3rd piece of the equation. DNA genetics are one-of-a-kind to you in this on that very rare occasion you have an identical twin, but those are 3 areas.
We actually have a term for it – it’s epigenetics biochemistry genetics – we have a term that’s called Epi-Bio-Genetics that stands for those three unique things. So what that really means in, for this particular presentation, is that not only do we have like one of a kind, you know, biochemistry and genes and all that kind of stuff, but just carry that to we’re talking about the brain today. So that means the brain is totally one of a kind. Nobody in the world has your brain. So that means we have to fix it. If you’re really smart, and you follow the science, it means our brain is different. So we have to address it differently for every person to optimize and accelerate the results for someone to get.
So, takeaway number three is all about you gotta test. You ideally have to test, like I said earlier, for your whole biochemistry, to accelerate your health and reduce health risks and so forth. But, when it comes to the brain, because there’s so many– there’s all these things called neurotransmitters, and there’s this whole thing called methylation. And it’s– the brain is a precise organ in your body. It’s critical to your body and precision is super important. So testing is through the roof important to get resolution on these issues effectively, quickly, and done right to optimize results.
So what’s the great news I’m going to share here now, is there are only– and this is another reason why it’s great to take a look at these slides, but there’s only these five biomarkers. And I’ll be able to share how to do this, you know, toward the end, you know, for anyone who’s interested, but there’s only five biomarkers. Four of these biomarkers includes things like, ceruloplasmin, which is an interesting word. It includes zinc and copper. And it also includes histamine. So those are all, there’s four of these that are blood markers. And those four blood markers are– this is good news again, these are all markers that you can normally get potentially through traditional medicine, but it’s easy to access them through like a Labcorp, which is where lots of doctors will go and send patients or many doctors might have a lab draw facility right in their location. So you can get these draws done.
The other one is something called pyrroles, which is a urine test. So the good news is there’s one lab that consolidates all this together and makes it super convenient and easy. And this is a test that’s like less than $300, like $260, $270, or something like that. And, you can get these labs. You don’t have to go too far because all the labs, and the requisition to go to your local Labcorp, it can all be sent to you in the mail. And the test kit, urine test kit, sent you in the mail, return prepaid envelope sent back. And you can get all this data– and all of a sudden, within two or three weeks, you can get all this data back. And then we can tell you what that means.
So one of the things– one of the things it means is that, this is a big deal when you test it means– and this is really not just about the addictions, and not just about those that suffer from mental health, but this whole area of methylation. It’s a little bit of a bonus part of this presentation, but this whole bit of where brain chemistry, neurotransmitter balancing, and optimizing brain chemistry, really equals optimizing your methylation, which has other factors, you know, it reduces the wrong kinds of genes expressing. Optimizes immune support, optimizes detoxification.
There’s lots of research going on now about how this is like a key component of anti-aging, to some degree or support of positive aging. So, the big number is though, out of almost anybody who takes this test, 90 percent of the people have some sort of imbalance going on. Of course, there’s different scales what that might be, but it’s huge. And I’m saying, this is where I say, it’s really shameful that our traditional system, for whatever reason, has not incorporated this, because this is the dynamic that shifts people’s brain chemistry and makes the world of difference to people.
So this is what– and this is another reason why I would encourage people go and see if you can pull up the video version of this, because I’m now showing a picture that we call the brain is a chemical factory. And this is showing this– it’s really developed by– this is an artificial and AI design that our team created. Because we were really, it’s a one of a kind design, where we’re really trying to show that on one side, the right hand side is showing, based on doing this precision testing that I’m talking about, the brain chemistry testing on the right side it shows we can tell right away by the data, where are you disrupted in terms of your neurotransmitters? I’m talking the big stuff like GABA, dopamine and serotonin. But we look at all the neurotransmitters, that’s that’s on the left side– I mean the right side. And we’re picturing how there’s smoking and there’s clouding and there’s dysfunction, basically through these neurotransmitters. And then on the left side, there are up to 25 different vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. That’s it. There’s only 25 max that are the building blocks. Critical insight. Let me repeat that again. The only way to repair the neurotransmitters and balance methylation and ultimately balance your brain chemistry, is through building blocks, the nutrients in the foods, so there’s 25 vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are those building blocks.
And that’s the only way that you can get to the root cause, and repair and optimize and balance the brain chemistry, which is game changing. And in most of the cases, the way the process works, you don’t– it’s very rare anyone needs all 25, because it’s different– everyone’s got different neurotransmitters. Everyone’s gotten those neurotransmitters, methylations that are out of balance to some degree. So everyone’s very, very different. So that means. And, and, and they’re, this is done in divided dosing. So there’s a unique AM formula that might typically have six or seven or eight, four or five, somewhere in that range of these nutrients, but it’s very specific.
And then on the, on, on the reverse side, there’s a PM dosing. Same thing because your brain needs certain nutrients in the right dosing in the AM and there could be slightly different levels and or nutrients in the PM, to totally optimize. So that’s what this test does which is why I’m spending a little bit of time and just putting a lot of focus on this test because it is a game changing thing. So what this all means is that imbalances in your brain chemistry determined by this test equals mental health potential challenges, addiction challenges.
And then takeaway number four that’s as well, a huge game changer, maybe the biggest game changer is what I’ve already been talking about a little bit, but what we call precision nutrient therapy. You know, just think about if you make any kind of recipe you’re cooking and you’re cooking a cake. I mean, you’re usually not going to put more of this and less of that and go through seven or eight different ingredients and put a little bit extra, put a little bit less of any of those ingredients in, because it’s just not going to– the likelihood of a coming out working well is not likely. But this is critical, as I said, with the brain. Precision nutrients– so this testing we do allows an expert doctor practitioner who spent, you know, months and months and months getting trained and oriented in this kind of stuff and going through all kinds of different case studies, to be able to precisely determine what those nutrients are and those precise dosing levels.
So that’s part of it because that’s the only way that you correct these imbalances and you heal the brain. That’s the critical message to take away. And as part of that, the superpower of what we call personalization here, is that this precision dosing– I mean, it’s kind of logical when you think about it, if you’ve got all these different parts of the brain and you’ve got all these different neurotransmitters and you’re then taking precision nutrients designed for each one of these most important neurotransmitters in the right dosing and so forth that has to be balanced. When you put those precision dosages together, you get this great synergistic combination effect. And specifically, because you’re putting the specific dosing, but you’re delivering those to different neurotransmitters throughout the brain and you’re doing it– and the precision goes to another level because you’re doing a unique AM dose and a unique PM dose. So this is kind of what I would call the superpower and the secret, you know, the secret sauce of this.
And then the other thing, when you go to this level of this precision nutrient therapy, only designed for you, and you’re one of a kind brain out of 8 billion in the world. 8 billion different people, 8 billion different brains. This is designed to enhance the absorption and uptake as well, because we’re making these designed for you, which means when we personalize, fillers, binders, coatings, allergens, excipients, all these different things that if you’re getting all kinds of different supplements on an individualized basis, and you get the wrong dosing, which is totally make the approach ineffective.
But when you can optimize and enhance absorption, which is what we’re doing, when you’re leaving out all these things and you’re going with precision, that’s the huge game changer. All of that also means that you get– people it’s much easier to have compliance to do this stuff because you don’t have to shop around. You don’t have to worry when you’re running around– you don’t have to worry if you get the right dosage, you just get this stuff– if it’s 2 or 3 in the morning or 2 or 3 at night, boom, it’s done for you. You know, you get it delivered. And, it’s a pretty smooth process overall.
So the fifth takeaway is just that– and this is obviously the most important. You know, if you’re going to do some of this work– that’s why I’m excited, and it’s so transformational and I wanted to make sure to share this with everyone–is that the two big things here are, overemphasizing, but important. You do the labs and you do the precision nutrients, this approach– sometimes people accelerate quicker than this, but on average, three, four or five we tell people four to six months you stay on the plan. And I’m going to give you some customer results in a moment, but it is 80%. It’s crazy when you think about it, 75 to 80 percent of the people who do this, these are all these are people with ADD, autism, anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, addiction, drug addictions, you know, alcohol addictions, you know, other behavioral addictions, 75 to 80 percent of them report. I’m talking transformational, super impactful results.
And this is happening, to be a little repetitive, it’s happening because for the first time, you’re taking the building blocks that the brain cannot produce based on either your genetics or your innate biochemistry or all epigenetic bad stuff that’s just coming into your system. You can’t get enough of the right vitamins, minerals, amino acids that you need to supply these building blocks, to do all the brain repair and optimization and you’re getting to the root cause. And in our traditional system it just does not happen, plain and simple.
In our traditional system, you get talk therapy– I mean these things you can be helpful for sure– talk therapy, you know as a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a social worker, you get get diagnosed, and then in many cases you get prescription drugs. And anyone can go check out the data on this, on the prescription drugs. Unfortunately, in the best case scenario, there could be about 30 percent of people that get some symptom relief. So this is managing the symptom, because the drugs do not fix you, but it’s managing– which can be helpful. But 70 percent of the people that are taking prescription drugs report on all the data that there’s no real benefit.
And you also, of course, have all the other things like, oh, you got to figure out if you can get the dosing, right? You got to figure out if 1 thing gives you side effects and another thing doesn’t. So you got to worry about side effects. And with this approach, it does not happen. So, so as part of the impact, again, because you’re repairing.
Now, this is obviously in collaboration with a doctor practitioner up to 70 percent of people if they’re on meds. So it’s not everybody, but it’s a huge– it’s a huge amount of people up to 70 percent who can actually discontinue.
Rebekah Kelley: That’s a big number. That’s a big number.
Marc Isaacson: No, I mean, it’s night and day.
I mean, most of these drugs, you know, if they’re well below 50 percent, and they’re helpful or whatever, they get FDA approval. But I mean, to get something where you get something that’s got 75 or 80 percent results. And then on top of that, many of these people can come off meds. But of course, you know, this is definitely– this is all personalized. This is all in collaboration with your doctor and so forth. But it is transformational.
And here’s just a couple of quick examples. And these are like normal experiences. I just pulled off, you know, a whole bunch of quick, you know, before and after comments, that we get from patients that the docs and practitioners that we work with all over the country get. So before “nothing helped” after “astounded by my son’s progress.” Before, “I tried everything.” This is a typical story. I tried everything in the world. I’ve been at this for a whole bunch of years, right? Nothing helps him, and then after, “I can finally think straight after 20 years!
Rebekah, it’s crazy. There’s people that are stuck in this stuff for years, and at times decades. And really at this point, we understand it shouldn’t be that way, and it doesn’t need to be that way. And before, “horrible …debilitating, in pain for months and months and months, years and years and years.” After, “biggest blessing of my life.” I got one more here for you, before, “more than 25 years.” So, I mean, it wasn’t like I had to look hard to get these, are over 25 years, suffered. “Thank you really isn’t enough.:
So that’s kind of the super high level, on why I wanted to come on and, you know, share this info with folks.
Rebekah Kelley: So Marc, what’s the process if someone’s interested in trying this out? What do they need to do?
Marc Isaacson: Yeah, so the good news is, it’s pretty simple. You can go to– you can obviously reach out to Village Green, and you can go to or just call Village Green, and it’s all on our website, the phone numbers and so forth. You know, our regular numbers, 301-530-0800 or just go to, and you can click on Resources, you know, up on the top navigation bar on the homepage – resource. And right away, the first thing comes up is labs. You can click on as well, and then you’ll scroll down. And it’s super easy. There’s something that says brain chemistry panel, you can’t miss it. It’s the only thing that’s talking about brain chemistry panel.
Rebekah Kelley: Okay.
Marc Isaacson: And then you can just order that. As I said, it’s less than $300, and there’s probably going to have to be like an extra little consult, but it means that all the labs will go back and forth. We’ll have a top doctor that’s been trained to do all the interpretations so we know exactly the precision nutrients for you. All that will come down to a person on our team, or another external person that we’re working with as a licensed degreed clinician. And they will then share what the nutrients are, what’s going on, what it all means. You know, the corrective actions to take. And then we customize– then on our side, we customize this precision nutrient formula for you in these a. m. and p. m. dosages, and our team will walk you through that and explain the whole process to you.
Rebekah Kelley: So it’s basically going up, getting the test, meeting with the clinician, and then having a precision nutrient compounding solution.
Marc Isaacson: Right. Right.
Rebekah Kelley: Is there anything else?
Marc Isaacson: Yeah. I mean, look, that’s really the key thing. I mean, look, we include– you know, if you do the testing and say that’s like $260, I mean, yeah, $260, $270, the consult’s like maybe another $130. $400 bucks, a little bit less than 400 bucks, but that clinical nutritionist or that practitioner, will also work with you and give you insights on things like, if there’s other things you might want to look at.
Like, if it’s your gut– or just just give you guidelines as a starting point on foods and other things, it could be impacting you. But I mean, the starting point is this is such a powerful, you know part of the equation.
Rebekah Kelley: Yes.
Marc Isaacson: It’s totally being missed that– you know I would say this is a great step one. And just by doing this step one, you know as I said, you know, these are people that are not necessarily having to do other things– at times, look, there are times when people do have more complicated stuff and you might have to go further. But I’m saying as a top line approach, you know, 70, 80 percent of the people get these foundational great results without, you know, needing to go to like this next level.
Rebekah Kelley: Right. It sounds like it’s a great first start just to understand what’s going on with your brain and what support is needed and, you know, get down to really what’s happening.
Marc Isaacson: Yes. 100 percent.
Rebekah Kelley: Wonderful, Marc. Thanks so much.
Marc Isaacson: Yeah, hopefully that’s super helpful to everybody.
Rebekah Kelley: It seems very revolutionary, and thank you so much for the valuable insights.
For more information, go to Let me remind you to subscribe and get access to all Humanized videos, podcasts and transcripts from all of our thought leaders on personalized health at Thank you so much, Marc. So excited that you shared this information with our listeners.
Marc Isaacson: Totally. Thanks so much.